Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

With a focus on delivering data-driven diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) solutions, Kincentric works to embed DE&I into our clients’ organizational cultures and leadership behaviors. Leveraging a combination of strategy, process, policy, culture and individual behaviors, we work to enhance the employee experience and align leadership to drive real, lasting sustainable change.


The current playbook for diversity and inclusion must shift. Organizations must develop an intentional strategy for DE&I just as they would for any other business initiative, being deliberate in their approach and recognizing the complexity of the opportunity. We work with CEOs and CHROs around the world to operationalize diversity and inclusion at the enterprise level, driving critical business outcomes with DE&I as a strategic lever.

Our Solutions


Our comprehensive and holistic suite of DE&I solutions are built upon the belief that to be truly effective, DE&I initiatives must be leader-led, talent-driven, culture-activated and HR-enabled.

Our Approach

Kincentric’s DE&I consulting uses a data-driven approach to uncover insights and strategies that unlock the power of all people and teams within your organization. We start with an evidence-based assessment of the current state of your DE&I, using an outside-in perspective to access the valuable insights needed to align your executive team around a clear, compelling vision based on a shared understanding of the current state.

We then work with you to formulate and execute a DE&I strategic plan aligned to company culture, values, business strategy and people strategy, continuously testing in order to prioritize initiatives that create stronger outcomes.

Finally, we create a rigorous change-management strategy to ensure commitment and adoption across all levels of the organization with established accountability – an element often missing in DE&I initiatives.

Kincentric Point-of-View

DE&I solutions that ignite culture change by activating talent, leadership and engagement to drive DE&I outcomes.

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